How EDB uses Priority Engine to Generate More MQLs for their Target Accounts

Sarah Geissler

Sr. Product Marketing Manager

An interview with successful technology marketing innovator, Courtney Brown, Marketing Manager at EDB

EDB, the Enterprise Postgres company, delivers an open source-based data management platform, optimized for greater scalability, security, and reliability. Courtney is responsible for all things Demand Generation at EDB. Check her out on LinkedIn.

What are some of the primary business challenges you face at EDB?

One of the main business challenges we face is introducing people to EDB. Many customers already use Postgres, so we need to create the awareness that we can be their Enterprise-level solution. Also, finding the key people working at our target accounts and getting in front of them is always a challenge.

What specific goals are you trying to accomplish for your sales and your marketing strategy using TechTarget’s products?

using priority engine EDBWe use Priority Engine as well as content syndication. We actually expanded to the EMEA team to pilot 2-touch content syndication with Priority Engine after seeing the success we had here.

Our main goal using Priority Engine is to generate pipeline and MQLs. We needed a way to reach the right people that our sales team is looking to interact with at our target accounts. It’s a tremendous value-add that we can see the purchase intent as well. Our sales team will go into Priority Engine uncover the intent insights to help personalize their outreach, as well as prioritize their outbound efforts.

Tell us a little bit about your tech stack and the details of your workflow with Priority Engine?

We use Marketo and Salesforce, and SalesLoft as our sales engagement tool. We have Priority Engine integrated with Marketo so that everything flows automatically.

We export our Priority Engine lists every quarter, 1,000 exports at a time. The thought behind that is not to overrun our CRM or sales team, and it allows us plenty of time over the quarter to nurture and shift our criteria if necessary.

We have the Salesforce Widget installed so the sales reps can see the high-level Priority Engine summary directly within their Salesforce instance. They love the fact that they can see some details within Salesforce and can also click directly into Priority Engine to find more insights on a particular account they are looking to break into.

How do you have Priority Engine set up? What are the details of your sales team’s process when using Priority Engine?

We use ABM lists to prioritize our marketing and sales efforts across the board. Within Priority Engine, we added our targeted account lists, which consist of two different campaigns: customer expansion and new landings. We also segment our lists by key verticals.

Priority Engine helps us identify the people on buying team that are active within our ABM lists. When we have an MQL nurtured through any channel, the sales team will look within Priority Engine to find who is active on the buying team and determine who we want to loop into the conversation. The sales team is going into Priority Engine daily to learn about our target accounts’ interests so they can personalize their outreach and have more productive conversations.

We have specific sales views set up for our sales team so they can focus on what they care about within our accounts. We also have Email Alerts turned on for all of our sales teams’ account lists. Sales loves that they can see the most engaged prospects over the past week to know exactly who they should be engaging with right away.

What has changed since implementing Priority Engine?

We have several different marketing channels that feed our pipeline, but before Priority Engine, we didn’t have any insight into purchase intent. With Priority Engine, we can see intent insights like website visitors and other engagements directly with us. We are now getting access to all of those people who are organically searching for our solutions, providing us with the total buying team and new inroads into our target accounts.

How has Priority Engine helped you overcome some of your business challenges and see success?

The original reason we decided to purchase Priority Engine was to help meet our MQL goals. Our goals became more specific around target accounts and target titles, and we needed to find those right people at our target accounts. With Priority Engine, not only are we reaching out MQL goals, but we know what the accounts are researching so we can feel confident when we are reaching out to people. Priority Engine is a great solution for identifying the right people with the right titles and getting in front of them at the right time.

Tell us about your experience working with TechTarget’s team? How have they made it easy for you to see success?

The TechTarget team has added a lot of value to our program. They are always helping to show us additional components that we can unlock to make things easier for us, that we wouldn’t know about without them.

What are your favorite things about Priority Engine?

From a marketing perspective, being able to view the top three topics that our accounts are most interested in helps prioritize the content we are producing and helps us create a nurture stream based on those topics. We also can prioritize our spend based on the activity happening within an account, so we know where to focus our resources.

Sales loves Priority Engine because they have access to the total buying team and can see all of the prospects that are actively researching our solutions as well as the associate intent data. They typically will look at an account’s installed technologies to see if someone is already using one of our partner’s technologies. If they are, it’s a great talking point and an easy way for them to personalize. They appreciate how easy it is to leverage the intent indicators to tailor their conversations.

A big thank you to Courtney for sharing some feedback with us. We look forward to hearing about more of your success in the future!

If you’re interested in sharing your TechTarget story with us, feel free to reach out to Sarah Geissler.

case study, Priority Engine, purchase intent insight

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