How LANSA uses Priority Engine to Build Pipeline and Convert More Opportunities

Sarah Geissler

Sr. Product Marketing Manager

An interview with successful technology sales innovator, Bryan Frankel, Sales Director at LANSA

LANSA is the original low-code, rapid application development platform for building enterprise-grade mobile, web and desktop apps. Bryan is responsible for sales in North America, as well as Business Development Reps globally.

 What TechTarget products are you using? What are you trying to achieve?

We use Priority Engine along with content syndication to supplement our outreach efforts to find more leads and create more opportunities. Both our marketing and sales teams leverage TechTarget to garner more interest for our products.

How is your sales team using Priority Engine? How is Priority Engine set up for your organization?

using priority engine LANSAPriority Engine enables our Business Development Reps and Account Executives to have more intelligent conversations, with the right people at the right time. We have Priority Engine set up with lists built out based on the rep’s territories.

Our Account Executives go in Priority Engine to find insights for their accounts, as well as search for new contacts at their accounts to provide new inroads into opportunities. Priority Engine allows them to see which technologies prospects already have installed and what else is being considered so that they can have more intelligent conversations with the right people.

Our BDRs in North America and EMEA use Priority Engine to look for net new prospects. They will go into Priority Engine very often and are utilizing the insights to find new ways to engage. Priority Engine provides my BDRs with the ability to see into accounts and find the people we normally we wouldn’t have the visibility into.

Priority Engine is an essential tool for us because our customers base split between cutting edge technology and much older technology. We have the ability to set up our lists based on these groups, and then take those contacts and put them into different outreach cadences. With Priority Engine, we’re able to serve our diverse, niche, customer types and have a much more focused way to deliver a personalized message.

Once we reach out, we have set cadences. We adhere to 2 – 2.5-week periods of making phone calls and emails with a targeted message based on the insights we discovered within Priority Engine. After our sales reps’ cadences, the prospects will fall back into the marketing nurture cadence. We do export our Priority Engine lists into Eloqua, and this data flows into Salesforce.

How is Priority Engine helping LANSA see success and generate more opportunities? What type of results are you seeing?

After coming on board, and once the sales team started to use Priority Engine, we saw immediate results and began to find more leads and prospects and convert more opportunities.

One metric our BDRs have is the percentage of leads that get converted into opportunities. With Priority Engine, we now have a 4% conversion rate, which is not only high, but it’s an increase from previously and more than other lead sources.

Priority Engine is the primary way our BDRs find and cultivate leads. Previously, a BDR would take hours to do research just to find one person, which clearly limited the total number of people they could find in a day. Priority Engine has been extremely helpful in turning around our BDR model and fuel our pipeline of opportunities. It’s a significant advantage that Priority Engine saves our sales team so much time.

With Priority Engine, our Account Executives can build new opportunities and generate more meetings, using the insights to personalize conversations. They go into Priority Engine, drill into their account, get the contact information and directly call them and can quickly build a rapport and credibility leveraging the insights. They have been able to expand their footprint and secure relationships with their accounts, as well as fight off competitors.

Our sales team depends on Priority Engine to build pipeline – no other tool can compete with it. Priority Engine is the number one contributor to find new leads – it’s a big part of our year-over-year lead growth. Our total conversion rate quarter-over-quarter turning leads into opportunities is exponentially higher since implementing Priority Engine.

What is your favorite thing about Priority Engine?  Which components are most valuable to your sales team?

Priority Engine’s ability to provide us with a focused list of prospects has been extremely helpful. I also love that we have the ability to segment by the different niche customer types that we have.

Priority Engine, in conjunction with content syndication, has been a big hitter for us. It’s great to be able to see who is looking at your content, while also being able to get insights. If anyone is considering TechTarget, I highly recommend you give them a go. Our sales team has had so much success using Priority Engine that other divisions in our company are coming to me to see what I’m doing that is working so well.

How has it been working with the TechTarget team? How have they made things easy for you and your team?

One of the best things about TechTarget is the service. My account team is amazing. I’ve never had another partner go to the extent to which they go to help us see success. Their service has gone way beyond anything else I’ve ever experienced before. In one instance, they helped one of my reps with his territory and trained him on how to best leverage the information and insights within Priority Engine. A few months later, he had a healthy pipeline. The team has been invaluable, especially when you work in a lean model like we do.

A big thank you to Bryan for sharing some feedback with us. We look forward to hearing about more of your success in the future!

If you’re interested in sharing your TechTarget story with us, feel free to reach out to Sarah Geissler.

b2b purchase intent insight, case study, Priority Engine, purchase intent for sales

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